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Her Blog

Friday Favorites

Mike Quimby



It’s been much too long since I’ve shared with you some of my Favorites!  I hope you have been enjoying this start to autumn.  It’s been incredibly warm here, meaning I’ve been able to wear my summer wardrobe much more than most years.  My feet sure don’t mind all the sandal wearing!


Recently I have had the JOY of hosting and being a part of an amazing women's Bible Study with over 20 women.  We are currently doing a Lisa-Jo Baker study called "We Saved You A Seat".  It’s all about finding and keeping lasting friendships.  Come on, who out there does want that???    Our time together is special and conversations are meaningful.  It’s pretty incredible how God has been moving in our group, and sharing life with women of all ages is powerful.  We learn from one another and gain wisdom and insight.  I would encourage you to find the incredible women who guide us in this study on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram @lisajobaker, @AliaJoy, @alizalatta and @kristenstrong.


Let’s start with my absolute favorite dry shampoo ever!  I am obsessed with these two Dry Bar products.  Seriously, I’ve been given them as Christmas presents!!! They are amazing and don’t smell bad.  I feel the whole concept of dry shampoo has greatly improved over the years.   And truth be told by Friday I have a whole lot of dry shampoo going on!!! I love the Triple Sec 3-1andDetox Dry Shampoo.   I usually get my products at Sephora but have also ordered them from Amazon.


 Oh sweet Matilda Jane how I love you!!!!  My heart ached for a little girl for so very long.  Dressing her up brings me incredibly great joy!  I adore the story behind this company and love their philosophy of keeping little girls little and giving back. I love watching Reagan twirl in her dresses and MJ is all about the twirl.  Matilda Jane makes unique clothing forbabies, girls, tweens and women.  I love their fabrics, patterns, color detailed buttons and ruffles. I also love how the clothes are fun, different and modest!  Reagan has quite the Matilda Jane wardrobe now!  Please consider shopping with my Trunk Keeper #2952 Amy Teijeira or  While I have never personally met her she is an absolute delight and joy to work with.  

I have long been a fan of Karen Kingsbury and read many of her other books.  Her stories inspire me and often bring me to tears.  I often finish her books in a week or so because I just cannot put them down.  She is a gifted storyteller and has Hallmark making movies from her books. How many of you watched The Bridge this past Christmas?  Remember how upset everyone was whenthey weren’t going to continue the story until he following year.  


I usually pick up her books at SAMS Club for the best price.  Please check out her website though to learn more about her.


These earrings are made by a ministry which is near and dear to my heart.  I have hosted two WAR Chest parties. Women at Risk International helps rescue women who have been saved from human trafficking.  They teach them how to make jewelryand other items.  They also walk along these women during the healing process.  These earrings are actually bottle caps!