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PO Box 265
Bemus Point, NY, 14712
United States


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Our Story

Mike and Jen Quimby grew up in different parts of New York State.  Having married in 2005, they live in Western NY with their 4 children.  Mike is a Worship Pastor and Jen teaches kindergarten in a local public school. 

In their ten years of marriage they have faced many struggles, including infertility, the tragic death of Jen's dad, giving birth to twins 26 weeks into the pregnancy (via embryo donation), and battling Mike's world of addiction.

At an intensive marriage retreat in Indiana geared toward helping them save their marriage, Mike and Jen were informed by their counselor that the only reason they were together was because of God.  In other words, it made no earthly sense for them to be together.

When the trials come and it seems like there is no hope, when the world comes crumbling down all around, they are living proof that God's grace can penetrate any circumstance and bring light and life in the midst of the storm.  Their journey is one of Tragedy to Victory, from death to life.  Beauty from ashes...

Through this journey they have learned how God has held, sustained and loved them.   And they are eager to share their story with you through blogs, music, speaking engagements, connecting via social media, and their book, Tragedy to Victory which will be available soon.

We all have our ideas about what our lives should look like.  We plan, arrange, and contemplate.  But in the end it's important to know that God not only designed you and your life, He has a plan for your life and it's greater than anything you can arrange for yourself.     

If you would like more information about Mike and Jen and their ministry, please use the contact page on this site and they will be glad to get in touch with you!