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Her Blog

Some More of My Favorites!

Mike Quimby

It’s been a while since I have done a post let alone a fun, light-hearted one.  The weather outside is crazy. Snow is blowing and driving is a bit tricky but we ventured out to the grocery store regardless.  So here I sit in the Wegman's cafe drinking a delicious almond latte across from my hubby!  He is working on his I-Pad while on the phone talking about church ministry while I get to share some of my favorites with you.  

Check him out!!!  Looking all mature and focused ...don’t let him fool you!

My first favorite to share with you is my new found obsession!  My lovely sister-in-law gave me some wonderful products from Lush! I am in LOVE! I have told Mike whenever he gets me a present just go to that store from now on :)  And truth be told I know my husband is using these products too!  Here are two of my favorites currently.  They offer them in smaller sizes but I am glad to have the larger sizes since my nearest Lush store is an hour and half away.  Please know a little bit goes a long way and do not worry at all if you by chance get some in your mouth.  They taste yummy!!! 

Check out their

So I have talked about my dear friend Tiffany before.  She introduces me to many amazing products ... like my vanilla almond tea.  She gave me this Hurraw! lip balm and it’s incredible.  They make a yummy mint and also a grapefruit flavor which are pretty great too!  This one is vanilla bean.

I am one of those essential oil people. My hubby and I are wellness advocates but we do not do parties.  We just love Doterra products.  I love telling my family and friends about essential oils.  I am certain our children are healthier since we started using them.  Our kiddos will not go to sleep unless their difussers are going and Reagan frequently will ask for oil on her tummy!


Here is one of my current go to oils!  This is the Joyful blend called Elevation.  It makes me feel so happy!  Yet again my dear friend Tiffany ( I am telling you she is the best)  gave me this necklace.  It’s a diffuser so I can smell my favortie blends all day long.  Plus it looks pretty too!  I cannot tell you how often people complement me on it or want to smell it :)  What can I say I am all about sharing my love for essential oils!

Difusser necklace ...This one is from 

Another one of my favorites is Beth Moore.  I am currently enjoying one of her bible studies with 18 women and our group seems to be growing.  This makes my heart so incredibly happy! Our current study is called Believing God.  It is a joy learning and growing with so many women.  I would greatly encourage you to check out one of her books or bible studies sometime.  She is a great bible teacher and has overcome a lot in her life. She greatly inspires me.   Plus, I love her energy and spunk.

LASHES!!!! 3D Moodstruck 3D fiber lashes. Oh my goodness this younique stuff is fabulous.  I am on my third set!   Seriously consider giving this product a try.  My photo here is me only putting on one application.  Come on who does not want rediculasly long eyelashes?