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His Blog

5 Ways to Love Your Wife During Christmas

Mike Quimby

J&M Mistletoe.jpg

In a recent conversation with a man who is having some struggles in his marriage, I emphasized the importance of Philippians 2:3 which says,"Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves."  This truth is intended to prevail in all times and places. And we all know this is the time of year when many of us are more apt to live out the reality "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts. 20:35.  That sounds good, doesn't it?  But living it out isn't always easy.

The more I read blogs and articles the more I see the prevalence of lists.  So in keeping with what seems to be the popular trend, here's me leaping onto the bandwagon!  Here's a list of 5 Ways to Bless Your Wife During the Christmas Season:

1. Celebrate 12 Days of Christmas

This can be done during any 12 days of the season.  Jen and I do it December 13-24th.  We simply have a small gift for each other, wrapped, for each of those days.  We sit together early in the morning before the kids get up, and exchange the gifts.  The emphasis on this idea is small gifts that don't break the bank and are thoughtful.  I have gotten Jen fuzzy socks, chocolate, candles, chapstick, Starbucks gift cards, etc.  The key is knowing what she likes!  And it doesn't have to be a mutual decision to do this, you could just start doing it on your own.

2.  Cook or bake with her

I know this may make some of you roll your eyes, but I believe it's something women want!  One night, during a marriage life group that met at our home, one of the wives spoke up saying she would love for her husband to bake with her.  So we asked them to do that for homework.  And it turned out being a great experience for them!  For me this can be challenging because I like to take charge of the kitchen.  I want things done the way I want them done and I want everyone to stay out of my way!  I have learned, however, that working together, like Jen and I did for hours on Thanksgiving, is a meaningful way to connect with your spouse!

3.  Offer to watch the kids so she can do something fun for herself

Recently Jen has been having coffee with friends on Saturday mornings.  It has been a real joy for me as her husband to watch her have this time with other moms.  She is developing friendships and taking time for herself.  And she deserves it with all the time she gives everyone else all week long!  So I hang with the kids and we either meet her out and about and go on with our day or she returns home to us energized by her recent girl time!  Sometimes she uses her time to get a pedicure or once or twice a year she even gets a massage.  If she hasn't had time for herself, don't wait for her to act like she needs it, step up and provide her with a great opportunity for her!

4.  Watch a romantic Christmas movie with her

With the availability of on demand television and movies, most of the year we don't have a digital video recorder (DVR).  But at the end of each October I go to the Spectrum cable office and pick up my DVR, and the ladies there know why.  It's so I can begin recording Hallmark Christmas movies!  We can debate the decision of broadcasters to start showing Christmas movies before Halloween another time, so for now stay with me.  Do I love all the movies we watch? No.  Some are rather dumb to be honest.  The real joy comes in kicking back with Jen and watching light-hearted stories of people enjoying Christmas.  And some of the Hallmark stories even involve and aspect of faith!  Me personally I enjoy the antics of Ralph (A Christmas Story), and Buddy the Elf (Elf) is frequently playing on our screens during the holidays. But when it comes to really enjoying time in front of the TV with Jen, Hallmark is always a good choice!

5.  Hang some mistletoe...and use it to your advantage! 

If your kids are reading this over your shoulder, you might want to have them leave the room for this one - just kidding.  Each year Jen hangs a mistletoe decoration in our house.  As she put it up this year she accused me of never taking advantage of it last year.  I remember her standing under it a couple times, saying "EXCUSE ME!" More often than not I didn't pick up on the hint.  So this year she put it over the doorway to the room we gather in most, and I am making a point to use it.  If you decide to do this, guys, put it in a public place in your homes.  If you have kids, one of the best ways you can teach your kids about being a good dad is by kissing your wife in front of them.  Let them see you loving on her, even if they do say "YUCK" like ours do!

These are simple, easy and inexpensive ideas for you to take advantage of this Christmas season to show your wife just how much you love her.  After all, doesn't she deserve it?  I'd love to hear what you think of these ideas and please feel free to share ideas you have - I can always use the help!