Those Times When...
Mike Quimby
There are those times.
Those times in life when something unexpected happens that you didn’t see coming and your shocked. Maybe it’s a phone call from a family member or a Doctor. Those times when the wind is completely taken out of your sails and everything stops. Maybe someone else got a promotion at work or that dream job you thought was yours didn’t work out. Those times when your heart is aching and you cannot even cry yet. Maybe you suddenly lost a loved one or your child is very sick. Those times when it feels like you’re falling and your just waiting to hit solid ground. Maybe your marriage is a mess or someone you love has hurt your very badly. Those times in life when you cannot get your mind to stop racing and rethinking everything. Maybe there is someone you need to forgive and make peace with or there is something in your past you need to let go of and let God take it. This list could most certainly go on. We never know what a day may bring or how our past hurts affect us.
Recently my husband and I were given some very sad news which was unexpected. Years ago news like this would have been handled very differently by each of us. Michael would have buried it, been mad and not really thought about it. God has done a great deal of work in us over the past decade. Thank goodness we are all a work in progress!
I would have thought about it too much and been mad at God. Yes I am being totally honest with you I have been mad at God! And years ago I would never have written these words because I didn’t even realize I was upset at Him. I thought I was angry about the circumstances but really my anger was toward Him. I have been mad at Him for not giving me what I want and felt was deserved. I have been mad at Him about circumstances in my life which I felt He could have handled in a different way. I have been mad at him for blessing others in ways I so desperately wanted to be blessed in! And you know what? There is freedom in me being raw and honest about my hurt with Him. Because He can handle me being mad. He gets me and knows every single thought and secret. He knows I am a mess! And I needed to be in place to know it’s okay to be in mess and not be okay. I feel such peace knowing that He is the only one that understands every single part of me. The good, the bad and the ugly. And the crazier part is He loves me knowing all of it!
While there is a part of me that wonders “why” there is also a knowing in my heart God is God and He knows what He is doing. He also sees things in the future and His plans for me are good. Though there are certainly times in life when things don’t feel good. I do believe what His Word says.
Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome."
I love how He has thoughts and plans for me! Its hard for my mind to understand that the One who placed the stars in the sky and separated the waters thinks about me. I also love He wants to give me HOPE in my final outcome. He knows the end result and He is thinking about it and planning it for Me!
I said earlier God has worked on me for the past decade and I want to share with you some things which have helped me. Maybe some of them will help you too.
First, thankfulness! When I am sad and overwhelmed Istart telling God all the things I am thankful for. I may list 20 to 30 things and often times I will even say them aloud. There is something powerful about speaking it aloud because Satan hears it and he wants nothing more than to keep us feeling hopeless and stuck. God hears these words of thankfulness too. I also thank Him for prayers He has answered and I thank Him for what is going to do.
Second, I go out and do something for someone else or pray for others in need. Recently, we took the whole family shopping and we made some boxes for Operation Christmas child. I think it’s healthy to put the sadness into something which blesses another. Getting beyond ourselves puts things into perspective.
Third, dive into the Bible. Galations 6:9 says, “Let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.”
Finally, listen to praise and worship music. God gave me such a beautiful song which spoke to my heart. It’s called Thy Will by Hillary Scott. I also believe we battle by praise. It amazes me sometimes the songs God will bring back to me, and the words are healing.
I want to close with something Billy Graham wrote, “God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth.” There is no limit to God. There is no limit to His wisdom. There is no limit to His power. There is no limit to His love. When we know this in our hearts, it helps us remember that He is able to accomplish things we can’t do ourselves.
So with tears in my eyes, please know in your hearts our God is ABLE to do things we cannot do for ourselves.
Blessings and love to each of you