Fear Not! (Part 1)
Mike Quimby
Let’s face it we all have things we are scared of. Secret fears ... some of which we are open about and others we keep hidden hoping to never expose.
As for me... I am afraid of spiders. I still ask Mike to come get them most of the time. There were times when we first got married I would catch them in cups and leave them for him to dispose of when he got home. He seriously would come home and find a mug upside on the floor and he knew he would be “finding” some creature beneath! Yet having children has made this a bit different. While I am not a fan of the arachnid population I do not want to instill this fear into my children. My one son brought home the most perfect book from his school library to help with my fear! It’s entitled I’m Trying to Love Spiders by Bethany Barton. I was laughing out loud throughout the story with my children. I also learned a plethora of information concerning these lovely arachnids and appreciate them more! It is a definite read for all!
One of the verses we frequently say with our children at bedtime is “God helps me I will not be afraid.” God did not give us a spirit of fear. He wants us to live with freedom and peace. Yet fears are constantly surrounding us and for some they overcome our whole life!
Recently Mike and I traveled to Nashville for a conference. This trip involved flying which is my least preferred way to travel. I have only flown a few times since my father’s death. My father died on February 12th, 2009 in the Flight 3407 plane crash in Clarence Center, NY. It was a very difficult time for my family and we miss my father everyday.
Our flight out was really smooth and Mike kept taking photos of the sun rising. It was really beautiful and such a powerful illustration to me. My mind of course takes me back to the plane crash and what my father must have been feeling in those last moments of his life. As scared as I was it brought me peace to keep my eyes on the sun rising and the dawning of the day. You see, the Creator of the universe made the sun which my eyes were set upon. When we face fear we need to set our eyes on the Son of God who brings perfect peace in our moments of fear.
“Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. ”
He never lost sight of what the big plan was -- He finished His race!!! He endured every imagined hardship one could face here on Earth: The Cross, Shame , Pain, Hunger, Abandonment, etc. And now He is seated next to His Father in Heaven... The Creator of the Universe.
I really believe God gave me this illustration on the way to Nashville in order to prepare me for our return landing in Cleveland. The weather in Cleveland was not good due to a snow storm. The winds made ourdescent and landing very bumpy. I squeezed Mike’s hand so hard until we touched the ground. The visibility was so limited due to the storm we did not even see the ground until a few moments before we landed. We hit that runway and I was praising God in my mind!!!! The man next to me looked over and told me he was holding his cross and praying to Jesus during the landing. I just smiled at him. He was so right on with his words.
Ultimately we need to keep our eyes on the Son and on the Cross. That is where our focus should always be. Sometimes it’s smooth travels and other times its a bumpy go of it. But no matter what it’s where our focus needs to be.