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Her Blog

A New Day, A New Year

Mike Quimby

A new day ... January 1st, 2016! Of course I have been reflecting back on 2015.  It certainly was a year of many changes for our family.  We made a big transition this year as Mike left his full time job of 17 years to take on a new ministry opportunity.  It’s been quite a ride but God has revealed Himself in many ways.  We are humbled and excited to see what God has in store for us during this new season of ministry for our family. 

Getting past Christmas always brings a sense of relief and awe. The season brings with it so many exciting happenings which demand a lot of time and energy. Especially since we are currently doing our church services in a movie theatre.  Our hope is that if it’s God will He will bless our church with a building.  In His time and only if it’s in His Will!  This Christmas Eve we needed to find another venue which God provided since the theatre was not an option.  It was a special night and we were grateful to worship with nearly 200 people to celebrate Our Lord and Savior’s birth!  

Mike and I have been able to work more on our music lately! This has been a dream for a long time.  In the next week we are excited to have the opportunity to do our first local radio show.  It will be a time for us to share our story and some songs.  We have also been grateful for connections with people who are looking for hope in their lives.  While we by no means have life all figured out we do understand what it means to struggle when it seems like there is no hope. And we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that with God all things are possible
Even when the world tells you it is impossible.  

I have absolutely LOVED my start to the school year with my Kindergarteners.  They have amazed me and I adore them. While my days are quite exhausting, I am grateful to work with amazing cohorts.  There is no doubt in my mind God has blessed me with some special people who work with me to impact these young students.  Even now as I am on Winter break I miss my sweet lil kinder.  However it has been incredibly wonderful being home with my family and recharging some.  Unfortunately, I had the flu right before break and it visited me again at the start of break. I am beyond thankful my family did not get sick!  

The boys have really been enjoying Kindergarten this year.  Jack is making good gains with his speech skills and enjoying everything about school.  He is a bundle of energy and excitement.    Landon is also doing very well - especially excelling with his reading.  The Doctors in the NICU told us we would not know about his brain development until he was in school due the unknown amount of time he was without oxygen at birth.   Some of my friends have told me, "of course he is a good reader because you are a teacher."  To them I say, "It is a God thing!"  There is not a day that goes by that I do not recognize the miracles each of my children are.    Our Little Miss is  enjoying PreSchool so much!  We absolute adore her teachers and everything they do with her.  She makes the most beautiful crafts!  Mike is also doing two music sessions at her preschool each week.  He so cherishes his time with her.  At first I think he was a bit concerned if he was actually going to be able to captivate his new little audience.   In many ways he looks at it as a gift and a second chance to make new memories with his little girl.   Thank goodness we have a God who gives those second chances!  

Now on to the new year! Maybe you have made a whole long list of resolutions! There is such a freshness about the beginning of the year.  January marks a fresh start and clean slate.  We surely all have areas we would like to improve in.  For me I want to: spend more quality, focused time with my family, invest more into relationships, manage stress better, create more opportunities for peace and stillness, write more and to grow deeper in my relationship with God. 

To me these are great hopes and plans.  I believe we all eagerly anticipate fulfilling our resolutions.  So what can we do to help ourselves?  Statistics certainly show in a couple weeks many of our “resolutions” will merely be an afterthought or wish.  But its my hope with some tools at my disposal I can follow though and stay the course!  

Tools are important.  As crazy as it seems I got myself a coloring book.  A coloring book made for adults!  This is to help me create some peace and stillness.  Yesterday morning Mike and I started an online couples video devotional featuring a couple that have ministered to us via their online ministry. My marriage is the most important relationship I can have besides my relationship with God.  And our marriage has certainly experienced some trouble and turmoil in the past decade! In addition to that resource, Mike also got me a new devotional called Revealing Jesus by Darlene Zschech.  I am eager to dive into this devotional for my own personal quiet time.  Now this last one may seem a bit silly to some of you but I have been introduced to some amazing new soaps and scrubs thanks to my lovely sister in law!  And I can tell you they help me de-stress.  So I feel like I have put some tools into my toolbox to help me with my resolutions!  Yep! You got it right! A coloring book, some soaps and a couples devotional.  

So what do you need in your tool box to help you make 2016 the best yet?  Are you wanting to get healthy?  Break some bad habits or develop some good ones?  Maybe you need to commit to being more active in church or joining a small group in order to grow in your faith!  Are there relationships in your life that need to be restored?  Whatever it is you are wanting to accomplish this year, realize that God is with you!  He can do anything in and through you if you are willing! 

It's a new day and a new year!

Wishing you a very Happy New Year and a 2016 filled with Joy, Hope and Peace!