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Mike Quimby
I am a crazy, extrovert and typical youngest child. I feel I have a heart like David but a mouth like Peter. I am obsessed with coffee and ice cream. I have been in full time ministry for nearly two decades. I began in youth ministry followed by a transition into technical arts and worship directing. Now I’m embarking on a new adventure as a Worship Pastor - partnering with a former colleague while relocating a church into a local movie theatre.
My wife Jen and I have been married for 10 years and we have twin sons and a daughter. Our story is like a rollercoaster ride. From grief, my own infertility, putting ministry needs above the needs of my family, battles with addiction to experiencing forgiveness that only comes from an amazingly gracious God.
I am one of those bossy, music types who thinks everyone hears everything going on in my head. Did I mention if I had been in the educational system today I would most certainly be diagnosed with ADD? I play the piano, guitar, bass, cello and some percussion. Writing music with my wife is something I feel God uses to draw us together. In fact we hope it brings meaning and encouragement to others as well!
For fun I am a sports fanatic. I used to be one of those people who would have 2 TV’s going at one time, watching different games while listening to the radio. I love the Buffalo Bills and continue to be a fan. I think it’s just in my blood. The Sabres are my NHL team and concerning college athletics - GO BADGERS!
A pre-season game against the Carolina Panthers in 2015
I have struggled with an addiction to alcohol and it almost destroyed my life. Through that I’ve learned a lot about myself and how much God loves me. There are times in life when God needs to bring us to the threshing floor to refine us. I was one of those people who needed some extra beating to really get it. While I am still a work in progress I am grateful for a loving heavenly father whose love never fails, never gives up, never runs out. It’s because of His great love I am able to have a second chance with my wife, children and my life. His grace has provided this next chapter and it is my desire to help others who may also be struggling with addiction. I want them to know there is hope and that we have a gracious heavenly Father who is the God of second chances.
To Him be the glory!