Wounds and Scars
Mike Quimby
“What if the wounds we beg God to heal, the burdens we plead with Him to remove, are the very things that make us fit for His service? ”
I am sure we all have scars. They are reminders of our past pain or trials. One of my scars I have had since I was in primary school. I honestly do not remember how I got hurt but I do remember the day the scab came off. I was singing in Sunday School about how the Foolish Man built his house upon the sand. When the rains come down and the floods came up I was actively into the song and my scab went flying off! Since the wound underneath was not completely healed, I bled a lot!
Another one of my scars I received when I was 29. This scar is almost 5 inches long and it is one I honestly praise God for daily. There were weeks of scary moments leading up to the morning I was raced into the OR with a team of medical professionals. It’s my caesarean section scar. My first pregnancy was full of complications and battles. The twins were taken by emergency c section at 26 weeks. They then fought for their lives and were in the NICU for three months. After facing infertility for years and then delivering my boys before the third trimester, that scar is a real reminder to me of God’s faithfulness.
There are also many scars that are not visible. I believe is some ways those wounds were deeper. Maybe you wear one of those scars. They come in many different forms. Maybe you were emotionally abused, abandoned by someone you care deeply about, or hurt by the words a coworker or boss said to you. Maybe depression or anxiety have made made you feel hopeless, or gossip has left you experiencing defeat. Are you divorced or separated? Were you sexually abused? Have you endured infertility, or a miscarriage, or are you grieving? Are any of these your wounds? I am sure there are many more that could be added to the list.
The reality is many times those wounds can be reopened and the pain comes flooding right back. Just like when a scab comes off. Sometimes they are exposed by the same reoccurring circumstance. Yet often we pick or pull off the scab which needs to help heal the wound.
Scabs are pretty amazing and yes kinda gross too! While on the top we see a reddish brown hard surface beneath it new cells are being made while repairing the wound. Blood vessels which were damaged are being made new. White blood cells are fighting infection and getting rid of the dead blood and skin cells. It is kind of like a war going on under that glob. Eventually we get a new layer of skin! Yet many of us are scab pickers! Our picking can undo the healing process which our body is trying to do. And our picking at times can also make the healing process take longer!
But sometimes we have wounds which are so deep they need to be reopened to have more infection come out. Once, when Mike was younger he had an infection in his finger that had to be punctured and drained. I know its gross to talk about, but unless the wound gets cleaned out, infection can cause real damage. I remember a dear pastor friend telling me sometimes a wound needs to be reopened to continue getting the infection out. The wounds cannot simply be left unattended. We have to be intentional about getting to the bottom of them. If wounds are deep enough, it can take time to peel each layer back and clean out the infection one section at a time.
“Infection - invasion/replication of microoganziems within the wounded area, leading to cell injury and tissue damage.”
The words which stand out to me in that definition are “invasion”, “injury” and “damage”. We all have had times in our lives when we’ve been invaded or hurt. These traumas or difficult times cause injury and pain. Sometime we feel damaged beyond repair.
Sometimes these wounds may be internal due to repeated trauma. I have had some wounds like this in my life. And these wounds do not reveal visual scars, but they are there nonetheless, and the effects of those wounds can be paralyzing.
But they don't have to be...
I can honestly say, I have felt that way at times in my life. The enemy wants us to feel that way. He wants us to keep reliving the pain. He wants us to feel hopeless, alone and broken to the point we can’t be restored. I want you to know those are lies from Satan himself. Because there is nothing you could have done, had done to you or that will ever happen that God cannot heal. Nothing!
God so very much wants to be the healer of our wounds.
In Psalm 147 we read, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” God wants to bring peace and restoration.
“From the city men groan, and the souls of the wounded cry out.” Job 24:12
I love how this verse says, ”and the souls of the wounded cry out.” Oh my gosh have I cried out to God before. God already knows all things but when we cry out to Him or ask for His help we let Him in. And that is when healing can begin.
In Isaiah 53:5 it tells us “by His wounds we are healed.” On the cross Jesus made a way for complete healing. That means in every area. There is no wound that His amazing grace and love cannot heal. But we need to let Him! Maybe you are wondering how to let Him. Tell Him ...Ask Him... And speak to Him out loud so the Enemy hears you. God knows your heart and your deepest desires. I encourage you to pray these scriptures aloud. Maybe you even feel lead to pray these verses for someone you know who is really battling and struggling right now.
Whatever your current wound or scar, God wants to completely heal and restore you. All we need to do is let the Great Physician in!
In Exodus 15:26 it reads ... “I am the Lord who heals you.” Amen and Amen! I pray you let the Great I Am heal your wounds, and may the scars still left behind be a reminder of His goodness.