Welcome to my blog!
Mike Quimby
I am an energetic, over achiever, and a typical first born! One of my favorite places to be is on the beach in Maine! I love to garden or play in the dirt as I call it, read, write, cook, decorate my house and I typically go over the top for holidays. I am one of those people who starts Christmas shopping the day after the Christmas. What can I say, I love to plan! I have to have a cup of Vanilla Almond tea with sugar and cream each morning. I also have to start my day with quiet time with God. The days I do not make time for Him I struggle. Without Him I would not be where I am today. He has held me, carried me and given me hope when I thought there was none.
I am a teacher and it is part of who I am. I love it! I can still see the face of every child I have ever had in my classes and I love them. It brings my heart great joy teaching little ones how to read. I am the teacher who loves hands on learning, making creative projects, adding song and drama to my teaching and ensuring a sense of family is happening in the classroom.
I am always singing! It’s not only my favorite pastime, it’s a part of me. It’s a way I can connect with God. Recently, Mike and I have been song writing and we are excited for what is to come.
In February of 2009, I lost my father when Continental Flight 3407 crashed in Clarence Center, NY. It was a sudden loss which changed my family forever. I am and will always be Daddy’s little girl. Through this tragedy the 3407 families of the other victims have battled in Washington DC to change aviation regulations in our country.
I struggled with infertility for many years. It was one of the hardest times in my life as my heart ached for children. After a Daniel Fast, God revealed a very different plan for my husband and me to create a family. Through embryo donation we have three amazing miracles. The twins who are now 5, were born at 26 weeks and spent 3 months in the NICU. Through their testimony we know there are people who now believe in miracles and in Jesus! God truly works in amazing ways.
Jack Michael
Landon Bradley
Reagan Paige
I am a “Pastor’s Wife” !!! Being married to someone in professional ministry presents many challenges as well as multiple blessings. My husband and I have faced our own very tough seasons. In 2014, it was revealed to me that he had been hiding a world of addiction from me. I was devastated and felt so alone. It was during that time God carried me because the burden was too heavy for me to lift. However by His grace we have already come a long way and are experiencing healing in incredible ways.
So as you can see life is amazingly full. I truly would not have it any other way. In spite of all the trials and tough seasons it is evident that God has always been there and He continues to be.
Through this blog it is my desire to bring hope and to connect with other women who may be facing tough seasons. I will try to post a couple times a week and will include not only posts about tough issues, but also ones that provide some fun as well! Thanks for reading!